Having done all the disassembly but for the mast on Tuesday, I finished that up and secured everything today.
Adam dropped by and together we floated her onto the trailer & I was back in Glastonbury by mid-afternoon.
Having done all the disassembly but for the mast on Tuesday, I finished that up and secured everything today.
Adam dropped by and together we floated her onto the trailer & I was back in Glastonbury by mid-afternoon.
SeTherin was lifted off the trailer and on to the stands today.
It has been two weeks since I towed her back from Nonak. I had done the disassembly & took down the mast on Tuesdayember 23rd, then drove down with the trailer the next day with our long-in-tooth ’95 Ford Explorer. Just as I was turning on to Marsh Road, a quarter mile from Spicer's, the power steering went kaput. Upon arriving Spicer’s, there was a large puddle of fluid under the front end. The hose fitting from the output of the power steering cooler had rusted through. Brian was just a couple minutes behind me, so with his assistance we disconnected the hoses. After a short trip to Johnson’s Hardware for a brass butt connector & some fluid, we hooked up the hoses and bi-passed the cooler. Pulling the boat & the drive home was uneventful.
Today, I brought SeTherin back to her winter home in Glastonbury. Last Friday, I started disassembly and then took the mast down yesterday. Gin-pole photo1, Gin-pole photo2, Gin-pole photo3.
On the drive down this morning I picked up the trailer at Brian’s. Arriving at Spicer's, I secured the mast. At ten-thirty Brian came by and we floated the boat on to the trailer and I was home by 1300.
Many thanks to Brian for making some much needed structural repairs to the trailer.
SeTherin came back to her winter home rather late this year. Usually, I bring her back to G’bury the first week or so following the last Thames race. I delayed, thinking about the possibility of sailing with Chrissy & Ted while they were visiting.
The day after they returned to California, on Tuesday (09/25), I drove down and accomplished most of the disassembly. I had forgot the mast-up device (but remembered to take the gin-pole), so had reached a stalemate by the time it began to rain mid-afternoon. On Thursday, I planned to drop the mast and tow her home, yet as I started the Ford I discovered the brakes did not work. The left rear metal brake line had succumbed to rust and sprung a leak. So a week later and grand poorer, I drove down, dropped & secured the mast, then motored over to the ramp. Brian came by to assist, and as we went crank up the keel, we discovered keel cable had parted. I then made arrangements with Spicer’s to have the boat lifted onto the trailer, as it would be nearly three weeks before I’d be able to come back down.
Finally on Tuesday, October 23rd, a few days prior to Hurricane Sandy I towed her home.
Yesterday was a precursor of autumn with highs only in the 60's. With a forecast of rainy weather for the remainder of the week (which is proving true today), I drove down mid-day, disassembled the boat and floated her on the trailer with Brian's help around 1830 and had her home in G'Bury by 2010 hours. On my next seven off (weather permitting) I hope to move her to the back yard, lift her off the trailer and on to the stands and get set pretty much for the winter. This morning I threw a small tarp on.
I'm still working on the off-season to-do list, and need to decide how much to consider over winter. The keel needs to come off for re-painting and there are a few blister areas on the bottom demanding attention. Time will tell how much more I'm willing to tackle.
Ready for Old Man Winter
added 12/21/11