Watch Hill YC - Fuller Regatta 08/08/09

Watch Hill YC – Fuller Regatta; Saturday, 08/08/09
Crew: Brian, Seth, Bob & RW
Winds: NW, W to SW at 4 to 12 kts
Current: flood – Napatree Point 0700, ebb 1300
Start time: 1050, finish 1515
Start/Finish: Off the beach of the Ocean House – Watch Hill, RI
Course: 195 degrees at 3.5 nm, 2 laps (shortened from 3)
Distance 14 nm
Shrouds: Base

The various wind forecasts were not very encouraging, 5 to 10 at best.  Though it was to be a beautiful clear day, and with a cool breeze out of the north a possibility of a so-wester building in the afternoon.  We left the dock at 0830 for a posted 1030 start motoring against the flood for nearly 2 hours arriving with little time to spare.  Picking up the scratch sheet from the chase boat, we pieced together the start sequence.  There were only two classes, both spinnaker (A & B), a small turnout typical of the WHYC events and we were to be the last to start.

Watch Hill Fuller Regatta - 08/09/08

Crew – Brian, Seth, Bob & RW
Current: flood 1131 Ram Island; 1156 North Hill
Winds: SW 6 kt avg to Vixen, 12 kt avg return to finish
Start: 1035, near Noyes Rock
Course: s/f to Vixen and back; Distance: 12.1 nm
Shrouds: @ base

As in past Watch Hill events, there was a bit of a mystery at the start. With Aphrodite as the race-committee boat; a much longer than normal starting-line was laid.  Instead of a gun, as described in the sailing directions, the ship’s horn was used leading to some confusion. We were a minute late in the countdown, though positioned well enough and recovered for a reasonable start.  With a fading wind (and an adverse ebb), starboard was nearly parallel the line, so we tacked to port as did nearly the whole fleet. 2nd Chance was farthest down the line & when we all tacked, they ended up abeam to windward of us. A number of boats bore off towards the shore for current reduction.  2nd Chance, along with us stayed high to the benefit of a private breeze.  A noticeable south-southwester began to develop offshore mid-channel and Salud along with a few others extended out on starboard.

Based on past years’ experience, we played the middle-ground so as not to drift north closer towards shore losing our air; and resisted the temptation of greater pressure offshore to the south.  Enticing it was, and eventually the larger boats along shore, tacked to starboard and the channel.  There, they crept abeam, passed and gradually pulled away.

Nearing Ram Island we finally tacked southward, benefitting maybe from an eddy along the Ram’s eastern shore.  Tacking short of R20, we stuck close to shore with the nascent flood.  Closing on on Groton Long Point at noon, we finally chose to continue out into channel for the developing flood, and shortly there after the wind went soft.  Three subsequent tacks later, we rounded Vixen in a bear-away set. 

Reluctant to venture offshore into the current for breeze was evident near Sea Flower and beyond towards the Dumplings, we eased up to the edge of it, then slowly bore off favoring the Connecticut shore. A number of boats again, vied for more pressure on the New York side; though I believe the stronger current offset any gain to be had from the breeze there.

1st in Class
1st in Fleet - Corrected Overall

Link to chart

Link  to Aphrodite article#1

Link  to Aphrodite article#2


Watch Hill YC - Fuller Regatta

Crew: Brian, Megan, Seth & RW
Course: 1, Around Fishers Island (ccw) Race length: 16.0 nm
Winds: SWW (avg 195 dg), 4 to 12 kts (avg 8.6) Average Boat speed: 3.9 kts
Barometer: 30.02, Temp: 68 to 73 F Current: ebb 10:24 Ram Island
On a beautiful cloudless morning, we arrived at the Watch Hill YC starting area southeast side of Noyes Rock in plenty of time to assess the situation and discuss strategy. The beginning of the ebb was running late which had hoped to take advantage of. Yet for one reason or another, there were a number delays & a false start before our class finally got underway at 1124, thirty-four minutes later than posted.

Watch Hill YC Fuller Regatta

Saturday, August 5, 06 Crew: Brian, Seth & RW Wind: NW at 4, to SW 4 to 6 Current: ebb 0800 Ram Island, flood 1415 Race Pt. Start: 1105 hours

Soon as the RC posted the CCW course around Fishers course, I thought it unlikely for us to finish the race. The forecast & wind conditions were the same as two years ago. Yet in 2004, the current began to ebb at the start of the race, 1100 hours. Two years ago we finished late in the afternoon (& last boat for boat) just as the committee boat was pulling anchor. The ebb had assisted us down the backside of the island and nearing Lords the flood began for the shove in to the win. Today, the flood would begin long before we would get to the Race and getting around the point would be a challenge. The race started with everyone on starboard in light air, 4 kts out of the North. We got a relatively good start in second behind Salud (Pearson 30). Shortly afterward, Salud, Pursuit (S2 9.2) & Street Machine (a very nice looking San Juan 24) began work their way offshore. We stuck to our game plan to stay along the CT shore in an effort of avoiding the worst of the ebb, which had started around 8 am. About fifteen minutes into the race, the wind dropped to nothing and we hoisted our 20-something old drifter on the spinnaker halyard and got it working as the wind shifted to the southeast just as we began to drift backwards in the current. Fortunately, the drifter did the trick and we pulled ahead of the rest of the class dead in the water farther off shore.

Watch Hill YC Fuller Regatta

Saturday 08/14/04 Start area: just outside Stonington Harbor jetties. Start time: 1115, Course CCW Around Fishers Island Distance: 16 nm

It was a disappointing turn out, with only one other boat in our class, Cooch a J29, & five boats in the Spinnaker Class 1. The RC posted an around Fishers Island course counter-clockwise. Our original strategy was to hug the north shore of the sound to minimize the impact of the ebb. Starting in eight knot of wind that built to ten knots, we were tempted to cross over to Fishers near Latimer, but the wind went light and we bailed back towards Connecticut.