Wind: NE 18 G20+, N 7, SE 8, average 10.5 kts, Temp: 72,74,68 F, Baro: 29.90
Current: 2 hours flood remaining at start. Ebb North Hill 14:19
Start/Finish: Vixen
Course: s/f-DM-s/f*4, 2.7nm at 230, starboard roundings (race shortened at 2 laps)
Race Length: 10.5 nm
Crew: Adam, Brian, Josh & RW
With winds near start time kicking up into the high teens, gusting into the low 20’s we chose a heavy air setup and the Heavy #1 genoa, though did put in the reef as it was a downwind start to a drop-mark 2.7 nm southwest out near where to old Dumping Grounds’ buoy had been.
We were third off the line behind Balance & Arabesque. About 2/3s down the run the wind diminished and we were not see anything above 10 knots for the remainder of the race.
Following a smooth douse and hardening up on starboard for a short while, we tacked to port for most of the beat, except for a brief & mistaken starboard. The leeward mark was difficult to see, so we tacked comfortably short of the pin for the starboard rounding, yet found we had slightly overstood the mark as it came into view.
The second run commencing with a jibe-set was long and arduous in the light air & power boat chop. Less than five-minutes from the mark still on port-jibe, the wind suddenly died and a new breeze rose out of the southeast. We quickly hoisted the genoa, doused, rounded and re-set the spinnaker for a single reach all the way back to Vixen where the race was finished.
Link to chart
Corrected Time Results: Balance, SeTherin, Arabesque, Blind Monkeys, Bagatelle