Mason's Island Regatta - 08/17/19

Mason Island Regatta – 08/17/19
Wind: East 7 to 13 kts
Current: ebb North Hill 1300
Start: between Horseshoe, R26 & Vixen R28
Course: s/f-WMK-s/f * 2
     R1- 090 at 1.1 * 2; Wind 10.8 kts
     R2- 090 at 0.9 * 2; Wind 9.1 kts
Crew: Adam, Brian & RW
Rig at 12, #1 Genoa 

It was a low visibility and very rainy day especially one for which the forecast was for only 20% precipitation. In both races we had good starts in light rain, increasing throughout both races to downpours on the last downwind of each.

In the first race, sailing back out from the beach on port we discovered we had overstood R26, so at 1154 we decided rather than bear-off, to tack for the Horseshoe Passage.  We should have bit the bullet, born off and continued offshore as on the east side of Horseshoe we had to bear off for the windward mark anyhow as evidenced by the chart.

We won on corrected time by 3-minutes but had to withdraw when we discovered sailing north of R26 was prohibited on the SI’s. 

Shortly after crossing the finish the rain ceased as did the wind for the better part of an hour, but eventually picked back up (accompanied by rain) from the same direction but with less intensity.  We finished the second race with a 2nd. The boat did not feel as good this time round, due to less wind or maybe seaweed collection on keel & rudder.  We had backed down prior to both races, though it was very difficult to avoid the many patches of weed. 

So, with a second place and forfeiting the first, we finished with a 4th place.

Link to chart, Race-1
Link to chart, Race-2

Link to R1-results
Link to R2-results
Link to Cumulative results

Link to R1-initial results

Mason Island Regatta - 08/18/2018

Wind: Variable SW-W-SW 10 to zero to 4 kts
Current: flood North Hill 1210 
Start: west of GLP 24 
Crew: Adam, Brian & RW

Race 1 Length: 4.0 nm
Link to chart
Link to result

Race 2 Length: 4.2 nm
The long port jibe was a serious mistake.  There was a point (16:15) 20-minutes prior to our finish when the wind had gone to zero where we were about to deploy the anchor. Probably should have.  
Link to chart
Link to result

Link to cumulative results

Mason Island Regatta 08/26/17

Mason Island Regatta 08/26/17

Link to R1_chart
Link to R2_chart

Race 1 Results
Race 2 Results
Cumlative Results

Mason Island Regatta - 08/20/16

Race 1
Wind: NW at 4 to 12, average 8 kts
Temp: 81 F, Baro: 29.97”
Current: ebbing North Hill 12:50
Course: sf-DM-s/f*2; 130 at 1.3 nm; Race Length: 4.4 nm
Crew: Brian, Josh, Daphne, & RW

Race 1 chart
Race 1

Race 2
Wind: NW at 8 to 14, average 10.5 kts
Temp: 80 F, Baro: 29.95”
Current: ebbing North Hill 12:50
Course: sf-DM-s/f*2; 150 at 1.1 nm; Race Length: 4.4 nm
Crew: Brian, Josh, Daphne, & RW

Race 2 chart
Race 2

 Photo of Brian & RW

Mason Island Regatta - 08/15/15

Wind: SW at 4, peak 6 kts, Temp: 77 - 80 F, Baro: 30.11
Current: Flood North Hill 12:05
Start/Finish: East of Vixen
Course: s/f-DM-s/f*2, 1.6nm at 260 & 1.3 @ 230; Race Length: 4.5 nm
Crew: Brian, Seth & RW

link to chart
link to results