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On Monday, September 14th, I disassembled all but the lowering of the mast. On Tuesday, Brian met me at the dock around 1400 and we finished up, then floated the boat onto the trailer and SeTherin was in the backyard on Mark Drive by 1830 hours.   

This was the first time we pulled the boat up the ramp from the water with the Murano, and it lacks the umph of the old '95 Ford Explorer :)

Mark Drive Boatyard Update 10/31/07

Finally moved SeTherin from alongside the garage this morning to her winter home in the backyard. She is off the trailer and on the stands. At noon, I had to rush off to teach a class, so left things kind'a haphazard. Hopefully I can finess the setup a bit more over the next couple days prior to returning to work on Satuday. Maybe get the cover on by Thanksgiving.

Looking forward to the new season...

So I get this Christmas present- a small net-like red sock, similar to what ~ candies may come in, accompanied by three cards, Merry Christmas, Happy Father's Day & Happy Birthday, each signed by all the family. Inside the sock are 20 scrabble pieces with which I'm to solve a phrase telling me what the Christmas present is.  I'm making no progress when in exasperation DJ hints "a place where you spend lot of time in the summer".  Ahâ, Spicer's!

That cinched it- "a slip at Spicers Marina" Quite a surprise. Slip #7, my lucky number.

I will miss the rowing exercise, but the convenience will be wonderful along with the water & electricity.
