Thames YC Commordores Race 2002

Date:09/08/2002Log Entry:Race
Distance:.0Weather: Party Sunny/Wind SW 5 knotsCurrent:ebb 1219 RI
Course:V-DM-E-V-DM-E (p)Crew: Seth, Rich, Bob

Thames YC Commordores Race

The course was a beat from Vixen to a drop mark SW (225) 2 miles towards the New London

Dumping Ground, then a starboard reach to Silver Eel off Fishers Island, downwind back to Vixen and back to the drop mark with the intended finish at Vixen.  After ounding Vixen, we hugged the shore on starboard west along

UConn's Avery Campus well into the Thames River in an effort to minimize the effects of the ebb.  Just past the center of the river we finally tacked in an 8 kt breeze onto port out towards the and drop mark.

As we left the river the wind began to die, dropping to nothing as we approached the mark. Finally, a couple hundred yards short of rounding we dropped the anchor in 45 feet of water.  No other boats in our class had rounded and we were the closest boat to the mark. After 30 minutes or so the RC "abandoned" the race.  Took some effort to retreive the anchor. We were hooked onto some sort of cable on the bottom. Struggling, Bob pulled it to the surface and Seth set it free. Then we were off to the club for dinner and drinks.

Someone said Fishers Island had no power that night.