Wind: SW 5 kts
Avg Wind: 250 at 5.2 kts, Baro 29.80" Temp 79 F
Current: ebb NH 1349
Start: West of GLP
Course: (s/f-V-LMK-Vf), 1.45 nm at 290
Race Length: 4.3 nm
Crew: Brian, Dan & RW
The RC chose a reaching course westward along the Connecticut shore; I believe to avoid a dying breeze and the cooking ebb offshore.
The whole class started on port in about six knots of wind, Jolly Mon & us up near the pin, with Sans Souci, Watercolors and Merganser midline to near the committee boat. We were darn near laying the mark from the start, yet boatspeed was down a good bit from target, which we discovered was due to a headed shear aloft. Our course was much higher than all the others in our class, so we bore off some for speed and moved the car nearly max forward. Jolly Mon, Sans Souci and Watercolors sailed to the far right corner near the airport prior to tacking. There appeared to be as stronger wind band between us and the shore, benefiting Jolly Mon & Sans Souic. Nearing Vixen, I wished to throw in a couple tacks to position us for a short layline, rather than trying to call it from a distance out and overstanding. Instead, we waited and crossed ahead of San Souci prior to tacking. This put San Souci ahead, both of us overstanding a good bit and bearing off for the mark.
We had a smooth set on San Souci’s stern though chose a fresher course farther south, and worked our way ahead though not enough to maintain it when we bore off for the leeward mark, rounding with a smooth douse on their stern in very light air and traffic. Here they pulled away significantly. In the meantime the RC moved down to Vixen to shorten the course.
Eventually we noticed a new breeze working in from the south and tacked for it. Back on port in the breeze, we closed the gap some though not nearly enough. The finish crossing order was Jolly Mon (in another time zone), Sans Souci, Merganser, then Watercolors (back from the far right corner again) just a few seconds ahead of us.
Link to chart
Third on Corrected time
Link to results
Celestial convergence
by Bob Austin-LaFrance
Tide: Low @ 6:35 pm
Wind: WSW 8-10 diminishing, backing S
Sky: Overcast light rain at finish
With the fleet number down a bit due to some celestial convergence thought to be occurring on Block Island, 27 boats made the trek to Horseshoe for the 6th Donzo of the Spring Series.
The story was squeezing boat speed from a dying WSWerly while not getting slammed by the current. Both Horseshoe Reef and the airport came into play, at least on the first leg. Third leg went to those brave enough to hang left, with She’s The Boss making an heroic comeback. Geordi & Co. on Jolly Mon didn’t wait for the Southerly to fill as they took both line and fleet honors (by nearly a full minute, corrected). Remaining Class winners were: Wunder Dog, Zig Zag Zoom, Leda, Patriot, and Balance. Kudos to Jack Rodgers and the crew of Don Quixote for their gun in Class 5. The results were some of the closest corrected times imaginable. Evidence: Balance over Wild Horses by 0.10 min; Clockwork edged Swiss Cheese by 0.05 min; and Eclipse slipped past Redline by 0.01 min! The entire fleet finished with less than 15 minutes (corrected) separating first from last. Most everyone seemed content to enjoy the last of the daylight, choosing to sail home with their favored beverage, rather than motor in the light, refreshing sprinkles. Many thanks to Bill, Jim, Marty, Anne, Allison, Gene, and Bobby D. for making Race Committee look so easy and fun!