Wind: SW 5 to 0 kts, gust 8
Avg Wind: 240 at 4.5 kts, Baro 30.07" Temp 79 F
Current: flood 1830 NH
Start: West of GLP
Course: s/f-DM-s/f, 230 at 1 nm
Race Length: 3.0 nm
Crew: Brian, Dan & RW
Link to chart
Link to results
Written by Greg Gilmartin
Never thought a blue moon would be so orange! Never thought we would get in 14 straight Wednesday night races! A taste of summer drifted over the Mudhead fleet and if you spent too much time looking for the full moon, you might have missed that pocket of air you needed to connect the dots. It was light all night with a building flood current and a dying southwesterly. Course 4 was the call with a one mile windward leg. (Here's a trivia question...can you name the advertisers on our weather mark? Thank them for their support!)
As usual in a dying breeze, the rich got richer and the slow got stopped with a handful of retirements in frustration, a couple of anchor drops and a few accepting their position when all hope was lost and the moon was on the rise. Back up front, a late puff or two, and the right guess on which side to be on, brought the usual suspects to the finish, shortened at the second windward rounding. Jolly Mon, Zig Zag Zoom, Ursa Minor, Glory and Wild Horses took the first five guns in succession. Wild Horses slipping just ahead of Black Ice with a layline tack a hundred yards from the finish. Great show!
Leda held out through the light spots and some talk of a mutiny to grab Class 4 gun and victory. It was a night for patience, picking the right path of zephyrs or painting a mental picture of how you should have done it. And not a night to be doing spins on the water after hitting marks and sterns. And kudos for Clockwork and Blind Monkeys. Never give up, battle til the end! The Race Committee will wait for you when there's still hope to advance your place. Now, two more weeks...just two more nights. Looking for enough wham in the wind to get us home in 16.