Wind: NNW 12 to 5 kts
Avg Wind: 347 at 8.2 kts, Baro 29.80" Temp 80 F
Current: flood RI 1914, NH 1936
Start: West of GLP
Course: s/f-I-M-DM-s/f
Race Length: 4.35 nm
Crew: Brian, Dan & RW
After an afternoon of little to no wind, a frontal passage around 1600 began to produce a promising northern breeze. We motored out to the start in anticipation of a downwind start. Sure enough, the RC posted a spinnaker reach to a port rounding of Intrepid and a reach to the Mystic River for a starboard roundings there and the Drop-Mark off Flat Hammock.
We approached the start on starboard following Jolly Mon and in the company of Avara, while Cosmic and the remainder of the class came in on port from the committee. We rounded the pin at the gun for a smooth jibe set (thanks to Brian & Dan), with rest starboard of Jolly Mon midline. In the fresh breeze we were second to Jolly Mon rounding Intrepid.
Here Cosmic crept inside to windward for a brisk reach towards the river with the two of us in conversation distance the whole time. Gimlett to leeward passed both of us to reach the mark first, yet swung wide allowing us to turn inside. Here Cosmic with a faster spinnaker hoist, passed us to windward, yet interestingly did not pull away.
We considered heading up for a pass to windward, yet deferred to kindness. Rounding the drop-mark, we were slow on the genoa trim, allowing Cosmic less than a boat length ahead to climb above us and take our wind. Here I lost the race.
On port, we sailed out of a healthy windband then lost ground in a duck of Ursa Minor. Back on starboard we overstood the finish line. Had we tacked northbound abeam the Dumpling, we may have fared better, eliminating the overstand and possibly benefiting from a nascent flood along the Connecticut shore.
14 seconds faster would have put us in second.
21 seconds faster would have put us in first, though we did end up second in the season overall series without the Spring penalty!
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