WNR - 07/28/10

Crew: Brian, Seth, Bob & RW
Winds: SW, 2-15 kts, gust 16-17
Weather: Clear, Temp 71 F; Baro 29.94
Current: ebb - flood to begin at 1915 North Hill
Start time: 1810, 05:00 into ebb
Start/Finish: GLP Starting Area
Course: s/f–D–s/f; Distance: 245 at 3.95 nm, one lap, 7.9 total
Shrouds: +3,+6,+4,

We were late arriving and Bob was still stowing the outboard at the five-minute gun. I wished to start near the pin and tack to port at the first opportunity.  Misjudging the current push, we arrived at the pin early with just enough speed to weather it (by inches) as “Draggin-Z-Balls rolled us. Once up to speed we tacked and crossed ahead of a number of boats starting near the committee boat.  

The wind opposing the current made for some rough sailing on port, with an occasional burying of the bow much to the displeasure of the crew.  Southings on starboard were somewhat smoother. 

The rounding at the dumping ground was crowded with a handful of boats on starboard not making the mark and having to tack again just short of it.  Approaching on port gave us a short layline with minimal overstand and rights over those having to tack again to round.  It made for a late set, but took us clear of the mêlée in short order.

The 38 minute, four mile run to the finish was a welcome break from the punishing hour & seven-minute beat, requiring the most from Bob on the spinnaker sheet.

We ended up with a first, with & w/o summer penalties, & 8th in fleet.

Link to chart 




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