Wednesday Night - 070208

Crew: Brian, Seth, Bob & RW
Current: flood - North Hill 1710
Winds: SW 220 at 6 to 12 kts
Start/Finish: between GLP & Horseshoe
Course: s/f- D/M -s/f, Distance: 5.0 nm 
Shrouds: base-no change

On the motor out, we commented on the relatively smooth water for a SW breeze against a flood, and that an upwind leg with the flood is more beneficial for us than the opposite as we had last week. In winds of 6 to 8, I decided to leave the shrouds at their base setting, even with the prospect of an increase. 

With a crowded starboard end (Watercolors, Jolly Mon & Noo Problem) and about 7 knots wind, we were again better part of a half minute late, though balanced against starting farther down the line in bad air, the better choice I believe.   With Noo Problem directly ahead, Jolly Mon and Watercolors a bit farther and slightly to lee, we tacked for clear air; Noo Problem following suit shortly thereafter. 

After Noo Problem passed somewhat ahead to windward and began to affect our wind, we tacked back out on starboard. This we held (as eventually did Noo Problem) till short of North Dumpling.  Approaching ND in the deepest portion of the channel, we appreciated a significant lift of 10 to 15 degrees. This we carried till our tack for the layline.  

Our hoist was too early, giving us a wrap as we bore off, which took the better part of a minute to shake out.  We sailed the east side of the rhumbline on the run, though only slightly, resisting temptation of more wind in favor of the shorter more direct route. Also, I felt extending on a fresh starboard jibe directly into the current was not productive. 

Following our douse and rounding, we tacked soon as possible to follow a similar route on the second leg as the pressure was obviously better on the right side of the course. Again, we experienced a similar lift northwest of North Dumpling. Our set this time was much smoother and we played right of center again downhill.  

We beat Cosmic (Andy was absent, which explains their dismal results) & Sans Souci boat for boat, then corrected over Tumult for another 5th place, only fifteen seconds behind MiniMaxi on corrected time.

What could we have done differently?  
- Been closer to the line at the start; I did not compensate enough for the current.
- Our first set slowed us down obviously.
- Bore off sooner after the windward mark to give us fresher point of sail as we progressed downhill?

Link to chart

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