MRMSA Wed Night Summer Series - Race 5

Date: 08/07/2002 Log Entry: Race
Distance: 6.0 Weather: N 10-12, gust mid teens Current: flood 1636  Ram
Course: s/f-X-W-X (p) Crew: Brian, Bob, Tracy & RW

MRMSA Wed Night Summer Series - Race 5


 With an offshore wind out of the North the R/C set up the line approximately half way between a Drop/Mark at the old “X” starting area and “W” the R”6” nun marking the entrance of Fishers Island West Harbor. 


We were off line with a reasonable start, tacking to port (favored, & lifted by the flood) at the first opportunity. The wind was light crossing the line still on starboard, but built into the teens shortly after our tack to port, so dealt with some excessive weather helm prior to getting the gears shorted out – outhaul, cunningham(s), backstay, etc. With everyone working hard on the tacks, Tracy skirting the genoa then clambering up the high side we made good time to the windward mark. The wind gusting to the mid-teens and the starboard rail dipping in the water, we laid the mark with two pairs of tacks, rounding slightly behind Gael Force. 


I cannot remember why we were late with the set (bearaway), though we were able to hold our own with the boats of our class down the run. With Brian on the pole, Bob on the sheets, and Tracy handling the mast rake, boomvang, twings and mainsheet our jibe at North Dumbling, and back to starboard inside Flat Hammocks nun R”2” went off with out a hitch.


Not realizing the port sheet was cleated at the winch, preventing the genoa hoist caused the leeward mark douse to be a bit discombobulated.  Back up to speed after the rounding, following a bit of cleanup, two hitches to starboard took into us the lee shallows of the Hammock, where a port board paid off with a  .4 kt eddy in our favor. Cutting inside the nun again, we stayed on port benefiting from a current lift as we moved into the channel. Noticing a header we took one more hitch on starboard prior to laying the finish for a final beat on port, crossing the line two minutes and 12 seconds behind Gael Force, fourth boat for boat and correcting to first overall.


            YACHT           TYPE   Skipper            PHRF  Elapsed            Corrected


1          SeTherin           Catalina 22       Magner,273     87.23   68.89


2          Sassy Lassie     Newport28      Burnham,162    75.85   69.25


3          Sanibel Pearson            Keeler,199       82.48   71.58


4          Gael Force       C&C 24           Harren,218       85.03   71.97


5          Good Goose    P Triton            Richardson,249            90.35   73.50


6          Blue Lite           Cal 25  Giulini,225        98.47   82.59


7          Nell      Bristol 32         Gleason,247     400      DNS


8          Tumult 2           Ericson 30-1    Litke,215         400      DNS


9          Raggedy Ann    Ericson 25        Bonola,234      500      DNF


Wear optimism daily - like a life preserver on a stormy sea.

-   The Curmudgeon’s Counsel

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