62nd Annual Round the Island Race
Wind: E clocking to SE 8 to 12
Average Wind: 130 at 10 kts, 5 to 16
Current: flood Napatree 0935, Ram Island: 0940, Race Pt: 1000, North Hill 1005
Start & Finish: West Harbor
Course: clockwise
Race Length: 14.55 nm
Crew: Adam, Brian & RW
Of the 25 FI Round the Island Races we have done with our first in 1992, only 9 have been clockwise.
And this year's clockwise course had us sailing eastward along the north shore in a building tide arriving Lord's Passge at maximum current, the strongest of our 9 races clockwise around the island.
We had a very good start and held our own nearly halfway to Lord's. Approximately abeam East Harbor, our competition began to stretch out their lead. Offhand, I cannot think of anything we could have done differently as our sailpower/boatspeed was not sufficent to sail to our ratiing against such a adverse current.
Link to >5.3 kt chart
Link to >7.5 kt chart
Link to results
Link to 49 second video